Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter!

What a Blessed season!!

I am so glad I choose this project to work through Lent.  I've learned so much about myself and how I've let earthly items get in the way of my relationship with God.  I'm still working through some of the closets and rooms in my house - there is so much more I can Let Go.

I have the garage sale scheduled for the first weekend of May.  I will report how it goes - and I will be scheduling St. Vincent DePaul to pick-up any of the left overs.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Last Trip through the Closet

I thought I would look one last time through my closet.

I found these three blouses.  One of the companies I worked for several years ago used the colors of Red, Black and White - we all tried to dress in these colors when someone was coming into the office or we had a presentation to make.  The blouses were a left over from those bygone days.

I don't believe I've wore them much since then.  Into the Goodwill bag they go.

I can not believe how many items I have gone through - actually much more than what I've posted in my blog - and still I have just scratched the surface.  God has blessed me a great deal - but I know I've let so much STUFF distract me that I have at times lost sight of those Blessings.  Moving forward I want to change my life - continue to remove the clutter and allow more time for prayer and growth in the Lord's light.   I have 2 weeks before my Garage Sale - still time to clean out a few more corners.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Saying Bye Bye to Procrastination

I was looking through a "stuffed" dresser I have and came across these little girl clothes.

I had bought them one Christmas a while back for my Granddaughter - but found out that I had the wrong size - I just never returned them - they had landed in the dresser.  I know there must be a little girl or two who would love all this pink and purple!!  I've put them in the garage sale box!

These items are a perfect example of some of the clutter I have just because I did not want to deal with them at the time -- procrastination is one of my down falls.

This Lenten project has shown me dealing with these items times takes a lot less time than I've spent over the years fretting about all the clutter around me.

Lent ends on Holy Thursday - only 3 days left!

Rainy Days

I had this item picked out and photographed on Saturday, but did not have time to post it.

This umbrella has sat by my front door for over 2 years.  It was a Christmas gift from a former employer.  I do not golf or have need for a golf umbrella.  Along with the fact it has my former employer's logo on it - a place I was happy to move on from.  I've never even opened it up - note the little bow on the handle from when I received it.

Why I've let it sit by my front door all this time, I have no idea - time to move it along.  It's in the Goodwill bag.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Stamp of Approval

I have loved making cards for birthdays and holidays for some time now. Card making can take a lot of supplies - and I am one to not hold back with craft

I need to make a couple of cards and thought it might be a good time to go through my card making supplies to see if there are some stamps I can/should let go.  I am starting with these five stamps.

A couple I have used and will not use again.  The others I bought because I thought they were neat, most likely they were on the clearance shelves at Hobby Lobby - and I was one who never pass up a good clearance - even if I would never use them.   That type of mindset is one thing this project has taught me to change - to only purchase items I have immediate use for.  Everything else is just clutter.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Facing Facts

Sometime our letting go is not only about material things but also about our illusions.  You know the saying -- Get Real.

Today I am letting go of these Dominoes -- I always had this illusion that the family would come over and we would play board games and have a good time.

But today is not the 1950's and I am not Donna Reed, people don't play board games like they use too.  Technology has taken over.  My grandchildren are 3 hours away - so they are not "dropping in" to play a game with Grandma.  It's time to face reality and let go of these games.  My only questions is are we letting technology take control of our life, hummm perhaps I need to look at how much technology am I hanging on to...I see a project for Lent next year.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A few more Items for the Garage Sale

Here are a few more items from the pie safe drawer, I am placing them in the garage sale.  I've thrown away many items - old pens, some homemade magnets that I made and now looking tired and warn.  I found several screws, box cutters and such which will go out to the garage.

I can not believe I've moved such junk around all these years.  It just goes to show us that what we thought were treasures - once we look at them in the clear light of day - we find they are nothing.  I believe that is also true concerning the lies of the evil one - wanting to take our focus off of the Lord by trying to divert us with the things of the earth.  But once we see it in the clear light of Christ we can see the lies and know they are nothing.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Treasures in a New Drawer

I decided tonight to start in a new drawer for my Letting Go project.

I have this lovely pie safe (which is a cupboard with punched tin in the front doors - a very long time ago they use to store pies and baked goods in the cabinet - the punched tin would allow the baked goods to have air to cool while keeping the bugs - and I suppose hunger kids and husbands from getting to goodies).  I the received the pie safe when my Grandmother passed away several years ago, I know it also belonged to my Great Grandmother and possibly my Great-Great Grandmother. Really cool - huh!

 When I got it - it was covered in paint which I carefully striped off and finished it with it's natural wood color.  I store my holiday dishes and glassware here along with several of my glass serving pieces.

There is also a drawer in the cabinet, which for some reason has always been a catch all for lots of little things that I didn't know what to do with.  AKA stuff that I could not just throw away - moved most of it several times.

 I pulled some of the stuff in the drawer out - I think I will have several days worth here...  There is so much little items - I am going to do them in batches as each batch a single Letting Go.  Tonight's Letting Go is a jumble of items, there is a bracelet, a magnet, a little heart welcome sign, and the TV antenna  thingie (yes, I know it's not a real word, but I am still going with it - sorry to all my English Teachers)  that I think belonged to a TV I had about 15 years ago. Everything except the thingie is going into the garage sale, the thingie it self is going into the trash.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Back from My Long Weekend

I had such a marvelous time this past weekend!!

If you ever had a dear friend who if you were any closer to, you would be twins, you can pick-up a conversation as if you just left off - even if it's been a couple of weeks since you talked and you know when the other just needs you to just "be there" for them - even if they don't say a word.  You know what type of friends I am talking about.  I have been blessed with two very special friends.  These women are in every since of the word - my sisters - God just forgot to make us siblings.  I was blessed to spend time with both my friends.

And it was my Granddaughter's 8th Birthday. One of my friends have Granddaughters the same age - so we took all three girls out for the day on Saturday.  We started at a Bead Store which had a place where the girls actually had the opportunity to make a bracelet and the staff finished the ends which allowed the girls to leave with a completed project.  We then had lunch at a cute Irish Pub (though their Irish Stew was nothing like we had in Ireland) and late we visited a park so we could get some fun pictures.  It truly was a wonderful day!

I also went shopping!! Suprise,   And so I need to let go of some items for the new ones I brought home.

To start - I bought a new purse - yes, I know, this is an issue for me - but I really truly, truly  really needed it. (Did that sound convincing? lol)  So I am letting go of one of the ones I had held on to.  This blue bag was nice, it was great for a quick day out, but for my every day bag, I could not seem to really organize it well - so I am letting go.

Then I bought a new DVD -- I glanced through our collection - and picked two to give up.  I started a while back with my Sister-in-laws and Mother-in-law to have a "Girl's Movie Night".  We have a quick dinner and then gather in the living-room to watch a movie - girls only (Love you dear - but you are a boy)!  We have been wanting to see "Saving Mr. Banks", I saw it while we were out and about, so I picked it up for our next movie night.

I still have some items that need to go back into the linden closet - I saw this clothes steamer in the pile.  Who steams clothes on vacation - REALLY?! lol  I think it was one of those items where I saw someone had one and thought - "that's cool" and - "that would be really handy" - I just had to have one -- I believe I only took it once or twice on a trip -- and I don't think I ever used it -- I've had it for many, many years -- taking up space -- time to go.

Last - I took a look at my closet again -- I found 2 skirts that I do not believe I wore at all (or very little) this past winter -- they are going in the pile for the Women's Resource Center.

These items should catch me up from the days I missed while I was away.

I did use the time to reflect on my project (I had a little over 3 hours of driving - both ways - great thinking time).  One think I thought about was how much I felt blessed by being able to spend time with my family -- and how by letting go of items -- actually could free me to spend more time with those I love -- both at home in Michigan and in Ohio; not to mention more time for prayer.  The more STUFF you have to clean, organize, worry about -- is time away from something or someone important.  Releasing these items, releases me from the bondage they create in my life.  Now, I know, these few items do not make a difference - on their own - but just think how these few items have grown into large piles of items I have let go over the past few weeks.  I have only a few days left for my project - I cannot believe next week is Holy Week already!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Off to Visit Family

My Dear Friends:

I am heading to Ohio to visit Family and Friends for the weekend.  I'm so excited for my Granddaughter's Birthday - we have something fun planned.

I've been thinking about what I wanted to do about my Lenten Project - I thought of doing a bunch ahead of time, then post them daily - but that felt like lying.  I did not want to completely skip these days.  I could catch-up when I get home.  This last seemed the most except-able plan.

I will be posting several items when I get home.  Enjoy the weekend - and tell someone you love them.


Practicing My New Discipline

This past week my FAVORITE store sent me a text on a SALE!  Can you imagine!!  Yes, I went shopping.

I knew I needed a new dress -- I am being installed as Regent for my DAR Chapter in May, plus we have Mother's Day Brunch and Easter coming up.

So, I am practicing my new rule - something comes in, something goes out.  Today I am Letting Go of this dress.  Truthfully, it never really fit well -- I've worn it a handful of times -- time to pass it along to someone else who might enjoy it for their Easter Sunday or some other Spring day.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Time to Corral the STUFF

I am excited about what I am Letting Go of today!!  I've put my computer desk up for sale on Facebook Grand Rapids Garage Sale!!

 I am working to re-think everything in my office - and you can tell by the pic - my desk was covered with STUFF!

I have the kitchen table that I had when I met Bill in the office too - which simply fills the room.  I am thinking if I get rid of the desk, I can move the table against the wall and put shelves up above the table on the wall.  I believe the table will give me more desktop to work than the computer desk did.  And this will open up the center of the room - making it much easier to get around.

I would never had thought about how to re-organize this room if it had not been for this project!  The room has been filled with so much STUFF - I would not go in there to work -- all the clutter was cluttering up my mind.  The clutter would have continued and I would have continued to avoid the issue.  Time for action -- getting things under-control!!  Thank you God for putting this Lenten project on my Heart!!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Melting away the Clutter

It's amazing what you can find when you are looking for something else!

I was digging through one of my kitchen cupboards trying to pull out our George Forman Grill.  While doing so, I noticed this pot.  It is a double boiler for melting chocolate.  I bought this from one of those "in-home" parties -- which I think I hosted, just before moving to Michigan - that was almost 18 years ago.  I don't think I have ever used it.

My family will testify that I am a good cook, and there are several specialty pans that I have and use regularly - obviously this was not one of them.  So, it's time to Let it Go - I'm putting it in the Garage Sale - hopefully someone will find it and really enjoy cooking with it.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Recorder #3

Can you believe I found a third tape recorder!!  What's up with this?!

I did not realize I was hanging on to all this outdated technology!!  I guess that is what this all about - letting go of those things I really don't need.

Friday, March 28, 2014

More out-dated technology heading out the door!

I can tell spring is on it's way!  My sinuses have stated to bother me. My nose is letting me know the weather is on the change. Praise the Lord!  I was so distracted tonight by how I feel - I almost forget to post today's Letting Go!

Today I am letting go of more out-dated technology.  When I was looking through the drawers in my office the other day - I found my old tape recorder.  This recorder has fond memories of taping conferences when I was selling Home Interiors and when I changed to selling Mary Kay.  It accompanied me all over the place.  Great memories - but I do not need to keep the recorder to hold on to them.

The recorder is just part of the possessions that is holding me back - causing me to not be able to focus on what is important.  I am finding as I clean up, I am not as distracted by clutter.  Trust me, I have a long way to go - but this project is helping me to develop a discipline.  I find I look at things different when I am shopping.  I am asking more questions of my need of the object - and many times I am saying no - not really and leave the store.  When I am buying something - I find myself thinking of what I will get rid of as I bring the new item home.  I know a lot of people have a rule of something coming in, means something is going out.  I think this is a really good idea.

I am adding recorder to the Goodwill bag. Hoping to drop a load off tomorrow morning.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Moving on from the Past

Tonight I had to do some looking around to decide what to let go.  I checked under the bathroom cabinet to see if there were any other treasures, but did not really find anything.

I decided to look through the drawers I have in my office and found a couple of items, and then I came across this index file - it is for planning weddings and knew this was the perfect thing I need to let go.

I used it for my first wedding in 1979 and my second in 1997 to track sent invites and RSVPs.  I think I was holding on to it, in case I needed an address - but since I have not looked into it since 1997 - I guess I was wrong.  I did not use it when Bill and I was married -- technology has improved.  I am definitely not planning on anything in the future - I've found the one I love.  Sorry, Bill - you are stuck with :-)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Curl from the Past

To finish off my 80's look - I found my old perm curlers in the bathroom cabinet -- definitely will not be using these -- I was surprised to find them, I thought I had got rid of them years ago - but I guess not. I must have moved these two about 6 or 7 times.  More proof I really needed this Lenten Project.

They do remind me of when I was a child (I know I am going to date myself) - I remember every year before school started - my Mom would give me a Toni Perm.  I was always sooooo embarrassed by my curly hair - but now that I think of it - all my friends had the same thing.  

And of course curly hair was all the rage in the 80's -- I have a picture of my son and me -- I have those lovely red framed glasses from yesterday and a mass of permed hair - so funny.  I should scan the picture for Throw Back Thursday on Facebook some

Well, I am not sure what I will do with them - wondering - could Goodwill use them or should I just throw them in the trash?  Hummm and I wonder if they are recycle-able - they are plastic?  If anyone knows, please leave a comment.

Update -- I just checked on Ebay -- would you believe people are buying these -- so I think I will put them up for sale -- could add to my Retreat Fund.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Getting Clear Vision

Cleaning out the bathroom cabinet and found my old glasses from the 1980's.  I found 3 pairs - 2 of them are in these HUGE RED frames - how funny!

I went on-line to find if there was a place close to me to donate glasses (and I have several glasses cases too).

I was surprised and delighted to find - there are 24 places in the Grand Rapids area!!  It's the Lions Recycle for Sight.  The Lions collect glasses to send all over the world to help those who need them the most.

What a great plan!  I get my cabinet cleaned out and help someone to have better sight to see God's beautiful world!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Making up for Missed Time

Well, I missed my first day of Letting Go.  Saturday after I returned home from my Mary Kay Career Conference I had every intention of doing my Letting Go.  I even thought about what I wanted to let go of, but as with the Disciples - the Spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak.  I was just so tired I could not keep my eyes open to finish the task.  I know being tired was no excuse - but now it's time to move on and get back on track.

Today we had a plumber in to work on our bathroom tub faucet.  We had to empty out the linen closet so he would have access to the plumbing in the wall.  I thought this would be a great time to check-out what all I have in the closet.  Today I will start with these two items -- one is my hot rollers -- I have not used them in about 7-8 years -- definitely time to pass them along.  The second is a make-up bag filled with all kinds of junk that was there when I moved in 2005 and 2008 -- a good sign I don't need anything in the bag -- the junk mostly will end in the trash - I will clean up the bag and put in the Goodwill pile along with the rollers.

Friday, March 21, 2014

From the Bottom of the Dresser Drawer

I'm posting early today, I leave for the Mary Kay Career Conference later this afternoon - and will be back tomorrow early evening.  It's an overnight - in Novi MI which is right outside of Detroit.  The Conference is a wonderful time to recharge my Mary Kay batteries, spend time with my Mary Kay girlfriends and learn more from the company.  I just love this weekend.

Today I am letting go of these variety of bags and such.  There is a lipstick holder, a cell phone holder, small purse and a bag you can use to pack items in for your purse or suitcase.  Yes, I am still finding items in my top dresser drawer.  At this rate, I may empty the whole drawer.  I'm putting these items in my garage sale box.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Moving into the 21st Century

Found more in my dresser drawer -- a tape recorder....really?!  Definitely don't need this any longer - I've moved into iTunes for my music and recordings on my iPad for meetings and conferences.

This made me think, I need to check some drawers in my office too - I might have another recorder and a personal CD player.

Packing for Goodwill.  They are going to love me in the morning.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

More from the dresser Drawer

Tonight I found a couple of belts in the dresser drawer - one came with a pair of jeans, and the shell belt I had bought to go with a special outfit.  There were even sandals to match the shell belt.  They might still be around here - but if memory serves me right they are not in the best of shape and if I find them, they may be headed for the trash.  But for tonight - these belts are going to the Goodwill pile.  I will need to make another delivery on Friday - the pile is getting a bit large.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Silly Things we Keep!!

Today's letting go is a perfect example of what this project is all about...

In my dresser drawer I found the bags that I was keeping from my Master Graduation cap and tassel when I graduated in 2009.  Just the  I have my cap, tassel and gown packed away with other mementos from that day - so why was I keeping the bags in my dresser drawer?  Who know, but it is a perfect example of some of the little things I hold on to - for the memories.  I will never forget that day, I surely don't need the bags to keep the memories.  So, into the trash they go.

I am so happy I started this project - it has really made me take a long hard look at what I have around me, and why I have them.  I keep thinking of the man who Jesus told to sell all he has and give the money to poor and come follow him, the man went away sad because he had many possessions.  I ask myself, would I be able to give everything up and follow Christ if I was the person Jesus was talking to.  Well the truth is He is talking to me, He may not be asking me to sell all my things and give the money to the poor - but He is asking me to follow Him without all the "stuff" of this world.

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Luck of the Irish

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

In honor of my Irish Ancestors, I wanted to share a very special prayer from the Breastplate of St. Patrick:

Christ to shield me today
Against poison, against burning,
Against drowning, against wounding,
so that there may come to me abundance of reward.
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

This prayer has meant so much to me, it reminds me how Christ is all around me and in everyone that I meet.  May I always remember to keep this in mind in how I treat others.

Today I choose to begin going through the top drawers of my dresser.  I've hidden all kinds of little treasures in them - holding on to them for just in case I may need something.  There are items I need to keep, but most I will need to really ask myself - is this something I really need in my life, or just something that is cluttering my life.  I bet I will find enough items to let go of to last a week or more in these drawers -- lol. 

 I am letting go of these wallets -- I am not sure why I have hung on to them, I never reuse a wallet for some reason - it's time to pass them on to someone else who will enjoy them.  They are going into the garage sale box.  I really need to move this box to the basement - it is pretty full and taking up too much room in my office.  Who knows, once I have it moved, I may even discover other items in my office to let go.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Ok, I did it - kicking and screaming....(not really, but it did smart a little).

I went through my purses.  I probably kept more than I should have, but I am letting go of about half.

I'm going to put them on Facebook Garage Sale, if I still have them by May, they will go into my real garage sale.

Speaking of the garage sale - I found out that I can schedule St. Vincent DePaul to come and pick-up what I have left.  I think that will be much easier than taking them to Goodwill (where I might be tempted to leave some items at home - like a purse or two). :-)

Friday, March 14, 2014

Top of the Day to you

Back into my closet today - I found these tops to pass along - ready for Goodwill.

As you can see I am avoiding the  I know I will sooner or later need to get back to them.  I can feel that I am being challenged there - which I am not ready to face -- but to really truly to grow though this process -- I guess I need to go through the purses.  I think that will be tomorrow's give away..maybe.....

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Moving Into New Territory

Well, I've moved on to our closet in the bedroom.

Today I pulled out three pairs of dress pants and a brown skirt to give to the Women's Resource Center.  But, before I can donate them - I need to run them through the washer and dryer -- a good indicator of items I can let go of -- dust on them..ha!

As I reported yesterday - the response on my shoe cabinet was strong - even after I posted that it was sold, I had 5 more people say they were interested.  I'm waiting on the buyer to stop in yet this evening.  I decided with the money I earn from selling some of my items, to put it in a "retreat" fund for me to use to spend quiet time with God.  Sometimes it is so important to take a step away - unplug and be quiet to allow for God to speak to you.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

First BIG Letting Go

Yahoo!!  I'm finally letting go of my Shoe Cabinet.

I bought it when I lived in the duplex and it worked as both a shoe cabinet and a bedside table.  Since moving here it was in the spare room - so I never put my shoes in it and it taking up space in my Mary Kay office.  Time to move it along.

I've put it up for sale on the FaceBook Grand Rapids Garage Sale for $10 - if you know of someone who could use it, let me know, I will be happy to pass it along (and if you/they are in Ohio - I'm coming down the first weekend in April - so I could bring it with me).  If I still have it by my garage sale date - it will be going in it.

 The only ones that will be sad to see it go is the kitties - they've been using it as perch to look out the window - oh well - we all need to make sacrifices.

***UPDATE**** I just checked my post in FaceBook - and I have already had about 10 people interested (the first one was about 2 minutes after I posted)!! Wow!! So I think it is safe to say that it's SOLD!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Little Stretch

I will admit - tonight's letting go was a little hard for me.

Today I am letting go of this cute pair of shoes with matching purse.  I ordered these items with a cute skirt and top to make a complete outfit.  But the truth...the purse is a little too small for me (I have to have everything but the kitchen sink with me) and the shoes are too tight.  I think I've only used them once or twice.  So, I am letting go with a pouting face on and putting them in the garage sale pile.

And, when I get to my closet in our bedroom - I will need to find that cute skirt - because to be totally honest - the skirt is too short and too small....

Monday, March 10, 2014

Quick and Simple

Monday's are very busy for me.  I work until 4, run home and change to leave by 4:50ish to make my weekly Mary Kay meeting at 5:30 and not home again until around 7:30ish.  So, I was tempted not to post tonight - but I know there are a few of you checking in with me each day -- and you helped me to move past that temptation.  Thank you, thank you!!

Tonight, I am letting go of a picture I had hanging in the room that is now my Mary Kay office.  Before it was a guest room, this was one of the pictures I had hanging in there.

I will admit - this was an easy letting go for me - I know as I move into the basement there are pictures stored from when I was selling Home Interiors in which  I need to just let go - I will never hang them, but I really like them.  It will be a test for me to move past these items...

For today I'm putting this picture in the garage sale pile - which is really growing!!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

I'm giving it a lot of Sole!

You may recall - the other day when I gave the sheets away, I noted I had found them in a wicker hamper that also contained some shoes.  Today, I pulled out all those shoes -- 12 pairs and 1 flip flop.  Two pairs should have been thrown away when I packed them - but they were my favorites at the time and I could not get myself to let go of them - but now I am -- they are in the trash.  2 pair are going directly to Goodwill and the rest are set aside for the garage sale.  If they don't sell - I will take them to the Women Resource Center where I took the suits.  I went to see if I could find the match to the flip flop - as I was looking I bent the flip flop a little and it broke right in half!  Need-less-to-say it's in the trash too and if I can find it's match it will make it into the trash before trash day.  The slippers that in the front of the picture are white and not very clean - I'm going to try to wash them - if they don't come out ok - I guess it will be curtains for them too - otherwise they will go into the garage sale.

You might be wondering why am I giving away all my office clothes.  I am working as an Accounting Manager for a small manufacturer in Walker (for those who don't live in the area - Walker is just West of Grand Rapids - and is about 10 minutes from our home).  We make the cedar planks that restaurants use to grill fish and meat. They are also sold to Target and Meijers.  I wear jeans every day.  One because we are a very casual office, but also since the shop is right outside my door, there is a lot of dust. The owner brings his Boxer (Rosie) to work.  She loves to sleep under my desk and keeps me company.  Most days I come home with saw dust on my shoes and a paw print or two on my jeans.  I'm loving it!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Fabrics in Time!

Wow! What a day!  The sun was out and the temp got up into the 40's.  Life is good!  I took my donation to the Women Center and Goodwill today.  I think I actually feel lighter!  lol

Few days ago I had asked if anyone knew of someone who could use some fabric.  Well, God answered my question.  On Thursday at my morning prayer group meeting, one of the ladies shared that her daughter and her was taking the granddaughters to Chicago this weekend to visit the American Girl Doll store to pick-out their dolls.  My friend commented that she got a sewing machine so she can make some clothes for the girl's dolsl.  Ding, Ding, Ding....went off in my head!  I asked her if she could use some fabric - and she said YES, she would love some fabric.  

So today I let go of the fabric in the closet in the office.  The before picture show the explosion that happened when I pulled the pile out of the closet!  Holy Molly what a mess!  And as I went through it I found fabrics I had bought to make maternity tops in 1980 when I was hoping to get pregnant.  I found a couple of half made stuffed gooses -- think the pink and blue stage we went through in the 80's.  I counted for most of this mess I have actually moved it 7 times!! 

 I bagged up some of the cuter fabric for my friend. 
And sorry, Jean and Jan - I have a couple yards of girly flannel to give to Mom - she said her 4H sewers could use it to make lap quilts for ladies at the Veteran Home.  And (don't tell Mom...) threw a bunch of it away - it was so old I did not even trust that is would be safe for someone to sew with, or such little pieces no one could use it - why I saved it in the first place, I have no idea.  All I kept was a little denim and some flannel for the denim quilts that I've made the last few years.  I still have a couple of people on my list I want to make a quilt, and I'd love to make one for myself one of these days.  I have the "after" to put back in the closet -- and now my sewing machines (yes, I have more than 1 - that will be another day of deciding of what to let go) can be store on top of the container.  I love it when a plan comes together!

I am actually seeing floor in the bottom of that closet!!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Blessed by Less at it's Best

My letting go today is my book - Blessed by Less.

I've finished reading the book and enjoyed it so much, instead of putting it on my bookshelf - I decided to pass it on.

I thought of one of my best girlfriends.  Her mantra has always been "Less is More".  I've admired her for this outlook and how she is not caught-up in the consumerism that I have found myself.  I know she will enjoy this book.  It is much more than just letting go of "stuff".

So I've popped it in the mail - it's amazing how good it feels!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ash Wednesday

And so Lent begins.

This project I am doing for Lent is not all for getting my house in order, that is one of the side benefits.  I am hoping to with each donation, each giving to someone else I will step by step detach myself from the things around me to move my focus to the One who matters the most.

In a recent prayer group setting we studied "Consoling the Heart of Jesus" by Father Michael Gaitley - if you have not seen this material before, I highly recommend it - very eye opening and heart lifting.  But anyways, I digress, in this study we learned about the "First Principle" which is:

The First Principle and foundation teaches that we're made to live the "first thing" 
(a life of praise, reverence and service to God) by using "second things" (the other 
things on the face of the earth) only insofar as they help us to live the first thing.
                                                                                                               By St. Ignatius

And this is why I feel this Lenten Project will help me to move closer to God.  I know this will be a struggle each day -- I may not feel like doing it or be tempted to try to do several days at once.  This is where your help will come in.  By checking in on my blog and posting comments you will be helping me to stay accountable.  I hope that you may be inspired as I was when I read Susan's book and find this a blessing in your life too.

Today I took my more dresser dresses to the cedar closet downstairs, and found all my suits stored there.  I pulled out a couple to keep (you always need a nice blue suit on hand for funerals, etc) and prepared the rest along with a few of the tops I had to go with them to take to the Women's Resource Center on Friday.  The center offers for free, help to women who are looking for work from resume building, job searching, interview coaching and even clothing to wear for interviews.  I know someone will be bless by these suits and hopefully this clothing will give them the confidence to find the perfect position.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Closet Cleaning

 The author of Blessed by Less gave her items away by category - shirts, skirts, sweaters, etc.  I think for me it will be better to work by location.  I've started on the messy closet in my office.  As you can see lots of clothes and purses.  I've bagged up most of the clothes.  This was my overflow area and where I kept my good dresses for our fancier nights at Mary Kay Seminar.  I looked at the overflow items and there really wasn't anything there that I've worn in the past couple of years - so all of that is going.  As far as my fancy dresses - there was one that I don't wear - it's now in the bag.  I'm dropping them off at Good Will on Friday.  The balance of the dresses can be relocated into our cedar closet in the basement - it is a better place to store them anyways.

The purses will be another job - I LOVE purses -- I have several favorites in there and a few I like - but I will need to determine if I really truly use them.  I am predicting this is going to be challenging.

What you can't see is to the left is a BIG pile of fabrics from various projects - does anyone know of a good place to donate fabrics - they are all left overs so it is a few pieces here or a yard there -- and Jean and Jan you don't have to worry - none of it will go to

The good news is once I have the closet better organized, perhaps I can use it more productively.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


The author of Blessed by Less choose to use Sundays during her Lenten project as breaks.  She used this time for reflection on what it meant for what she let go of that week. 

I too will use Sundays the same way.  I will reflect on the progress of my project, how have letting go of these items help me to detach myself from the clutter in my home and how I can now use this detachment as a way to grow deeper in my faith.

Saturday, March 1, 2014


I've got them all gathered up (and a few more that did not make the picture!  Like I said yesterday, I have a ton of these light hearted mysteries -- and this is only a small part of my whole library.  I know I was hanging on to them because I could not remember what I had read - there are several series here. So what did I do today -- I made a list!  Genius Right?!! 

I've posted them in the FaceBook Grand Rapids Garage Sale -- whatever I have left by the first weekend of May (when I've scheduled the Garage Sale) will go into there -- after that I will donate them.

I think I should go through all my cookbooks too - now that will be a challenge for me for I've loved collecting them -- but with the Internet -- I really don't refer to too many of them.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Donation Number Two...Check!

My second opportunity came at the same time as the sheets that I gave away.

Last year one of my Mary Kay Directors asked for donations of samples, shampoo from hotels, etc for a friend of hers that work with a women shelter.  So keeping this in mind last summer I gathered all the shampoos, soaps, body lotions in the hotels that I visited.  I brought these home and put them in the cupboard for the next request.  Now that I had in mind to clean items out - I came across these items along with several toothbrushes and toothpaste we have received from our dentist during the past year.  I emailed my MK Director to ask if she thought her friend would be collecting again.  She contacted her friend and got the response that YES she would love the donation to use for gifts for the girls in the Juvenile Detention Center.  I quickly packed them all up to donate.

I found the key for me is once I have a place arranged to donate - I need to do it right away.  I am such a procrastinator, I know if I leave time in between - the items would never get donated.  This could explain why there is so much stuff to clean out.

My goal here is to detach myself from all of the "stuff" in my life so that I can put that focus on my relationship with God.  This also gives me a chance to bless others.  Right now I am finding items I can easily give away - I know as I move along - the choices will begin to be more challenging.  And that is one of the reasons I wanted to blog about my progress - you are helping me stay accountable and encouraged. 

I think I will work on my stacks of books next.  If you know of anyone who like lighthearted mysteries - let me know I have a ton of them. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My First Letting Go

I just could not wait....

I started giving items away - the opportunity presented itself - so, I took it as a sign it was ok to begin before Lent.

I had taken a lot of items out of my Mary Kay office to straighten it out.  One of the items is a lovely wicker hamper.  I had not looking inside the hamper in ages.  When I took it out of the room - I looked inside and found several sets of sheets and shoes.  I think I had placed them in there when we moved into our house -- 5 years ago!!  Seeing these sheets reminded me of other sets I had in the linen closet we were no longer using. 

I have been researching places to make donations to so that I would be able to give my items to the right organization.  I was not sure what to do with the sheets, so I posted on FaceBook asking if anyone knew of where I could donate used sheets -- and received excellent ideas -- one seemed to struck me the most.  One of my Mary Kay sisters noted that her family was working on a project looking for bedding and towels to donate to the children and Family Services in Mississippi.  Our Mary Kay weekly meeting was coming up the very next day - it could not have worked out better.  I filled two grocery bags and put them in her trunk at the the meeting.

 One of my husbands cousins also noted in my post, she was looking for a set of queen sheets - and in our linen closet was a very nice set that I was using when I met my husband - they were cream with eyelet lace.  Well, my husband told me he was hoping I would find a set of sheets what was not so feminine hence why the sheets were in my linen closet not being used.  I met with my husband's cousin and gave her the sheets. 

I have to admit - it felt pretty good to let go of a few items and know that others will enjoy them.

Now, what to give away next....

Friday, February 21, 2014

Less than 2 weeks to start

I can not believe Lent starts in less than 2 weeks - boy am I ready to start my Lenten project.  In fact I've decided to start early.  I've been looking at everything in my home with a new eye, questioning myself - do I really need that item for my life.  How can I organize things better to make my life easier?  By cleaning things out I will save time in cleaning, organizing, having to go through when I can't find something. 

I would like to redo my Mary Kay office - but I have a ton of stuff in there that I don't really need.  For example - I have this little cabinet to hold shoes - do I put shoes in it?  No, not really - it has a few pairs - but nothing I really wear -- so that will be one thing to go along with most of the items inside it.  I have my mother's sewing table with the sewing machine that folds down inside.  I don't use the table at all - when I sew - I put my sewing machine on the dining room table -- so, do I really need this sewing table - no, am I ready to let go of it - I'm not sure. 

Family items seem to be the hardest of items to let go of.  Some are very useful - I have a pie safe that was my Great-Grandmother Benson's - I just love this cabinet and I use it to store my holiday dishes and glassware.  Other items are just hear, hanging around the house - or I have them packed away.

I've found this truly to be a good exercise already.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Being Bless with Less!!

I found a wonderful book - entitled "Blessed By Less" by Susan Vogt.  I've heard her speak on EWTN Radio sharing about her book and how she got started.  She decided one year that during Lent she would give-up one item a day as her Lenten Sacrifice.  She found that it was such an eye opening experience of letting go of items that after Lent, she decided to do it for a whole year - letting go of over 1200 items during that year.

I was so excited about this concept, I decided this would be a good Lenten sacrifice for me too.  I have just under 3 weeks before it begins, and I've already began looking at my home, picking out items I am going to give up. 

I decided there are 4 ways I will give-up an item - Sell it (such as on Facebook, Craigs List or Ebay), Put in the Garage Sale, Give-away or throw away.  I promise that anything left from the Garage Sale would go to Goodwill.  There will be three criteria for deciding to give an item up -- one - have I used or wore the item in the last 2 years, two - is it something I am tired of -- lets be truthful -- there may be a perfectly good sweater/top/dress that I can still wear -- but I've worn it so much I just am simply tired of it, and three -- could someone else get better use of the item than I am right now. 

Susan book challenges me to really think about what is important in my life - what are the things I need to have a good life and what items are holding me back.

Susan choose to blog about her experience each day during Lent to help keep her honest - I think the same would be true for me.  So, I invite you to check-in with me as I post every day beginning on Ash Wednesday.

My goal is to free my life from clutter and remove items that are in the way between my relationship with God.  I think this Lent will be eye opening - and I hope you are inspired too!