When we moved in, there was a planting bed right beside the potting shed. I did not do anything with it last summer, but had plans to make it into an Herb Garden this summer. Once I was done planting the vegetable garden, I started on the Herbs. It was a project! The bed was over grown and everything had to be cleared out. I was surprised how big the bed grew once I cleared all the grass and weeds out. The bed has a galvanized boarder that someone before me had put in which made it easy to find the edge.
I plant several of my favorite herbs, including 7 plants of lavender (I had heard once, that you should plant lavender by your garden gate for luck...needing all the luck I can get - I went for the special number of 7...lol).
This last weekend, I finished the bed off with some dark brown mulch. I left a lot of room for the herbs to spread since they should come back year after year. I also want to find a cute statuary to put in the bed for decoration.
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