Last weekend I went to see the movie Julia & Julie with Vanessa. What a great movie! The movie is about Julie who decided to cook her way through Julia Child's French Cooking cookbook and keep a blog on her progress (sound like someone you may know...lol). Her goal was to cook the 500+ recipes in 1 year (365 days). The movie also told the story of how Julia Child, while in France, found her passion for cooking and teaching food, attended the famous Cordon Blu and wrote the cookbook with 2 other friends.
I was so inspired by the story of these two ladies, which by the way are both true, to start trying some new recipes that I usually shy away from because I perceive they may be difficult. Tonight we have some wonderful friends come over for dinner, with my new found courage I decided to try Ina Garten's French Apple Tart for our dessert. I opted to use the puffed pastry, as she suggested I could, instead of make my own pastry. I have to say it was pretty easy. And what do you think of the results? Good enough to eat?
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