Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Keeping the Home Fires Burning

I just love to have a fire in the fireplace. The smell and the popping of the wood is one of those things that relaxes me. We've started to stock up on wood for winter, thanks Aunt Judy and Uncle Butch! I've already burned some of it. When stacking wood, you should stack the wood by size small, medium, large. Placing a tarp over your stack will help keep it dry. I also pick up twigs from the yard and keep them in a basket to use as kindling.

Starting a fire can be a challenge. You could use one of the starter logs, but they are a little expensive, and what is the fun in that. I learned how to make these fire starters in Girl Scouts. They are called candle kisses. Easy to make and easy to use. I make several at a time.

Start with a piece of a tapered candle - around 2 inches long. I keep tappers that have burned down, or have broken to make these.

Tear a piece of wax paper and fold in half. Lay the candle on top.

Begin to roll the candle up in the wax paper

Twist the end together, it will resemble a candy kiss.

To build the fire, first - make sure the flew is open (I've smoked us a couple of times...lol). Stack your wood in the rack in your fireplace. I like to lay a couple of medium size logs on the bottom side by side. Place the candle kiss on top, then put some of the kindling twigs on the candle kiss, leaving the twisted ends accessible. Light both twisted ends of the kiss. As the kiss burns, it will light the wood. Start adding bigger wood as the kindling starts to burn, and before you know it, you have a blazing fire.

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