Wow! What a day! The sun was out and the temp got up into the 40's. Life is good! I took my donation to the Women Center and Goodwill today. I think I actually feel lighter! lol
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Few days ago I had asked if anyone knew of someone who could use some fabric. Well, God answered my question. On Thursday at my morning prayer group meeting, one of the ladies shared that her daughter and her was taking the granddaughters to Chicago this weekend to visit the American Girl Doll store to pick-out their dolls. My friend commented that she got a sewing machine so she can make some clothes for the girl's dolsl. Ding, Ding, Ding....went off in my head! I asked her if she could use some fabric - and she said YES, she would love some fabric.
So today I let go of the fabric in the closet in the office. The before picture show the explosion that happened when I pulled the pile out of the closet! Holy Molly what a mess! And as I went through it I found fabrics I had bought to make maternity tops in 1980 when I was hoping to get pregnant. I found a couple of half made stuffed gooses -- think the pink and blue stage we went through in the 80's. I counted for most of this mess I have actually moved it 7 times!!
I bagged up some of the cuter fabric for my friend.
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And sorry, Jean and Jan - I have a couple yards of girly flannel to give to Mom - she said her 4H sewers could use it to make lap quilts for ladies at the Veteran Home. And (don't tell Mom...) threw a bunch of it away - it was so old I did not even trust that is would be safe for someone to sew with, or such little pieces no one could use it - why I saved it in the first place, I have no idea. All I kept was a little denim and some flannel for the denim quilts that I've made the last few years. I still have a couple of people on my list I want to make a quilt, and I'd love to make one for myself one of these days. I have the "after" to put back in the closet -- and now my sewing machines (yes, I have more than 1 - that will be another day of deciding of what to let go) can be store on top of the container. I love it when a plan comes together!
I am actually seeing floor in the bottom of that closet!!
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