Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Preserving Summer's Bounty

I've been harvesting summer squash for a couple of weeks now, and the plants are still loaded. So, I thought I should started doing research on how to freeze some.

I've never preserved squash before - I've canned tomatoes, beans, beets, pickles (just to name a few) and made lots of jams and jellies...but have never froze squash, this will be a new experience for me. I think it will be nice come winter when the snow is flying (and boy does it fly up here in Michigan) and we are still enjoying the bounty from our garden.

I used my favorite tool...and googled "how to freeze summer squash"...I found a website with instructions...click this link, they have full instructions with pictures. http://www.pickyourown.org/freezing_summer_squash.htm

I am going to try this method later this week, will keep you posted on how it works.

Oh, btw...for those who are hoping for some squash from my garden, don't fret...I have your back, I will not put it all up in the freezer (Lord knows, I do not have enough freezer space for it) I will have fresh squash for you too!!

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