Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hope SPRINGS Eternal

We are in the middle of a snow storm...and what arrives today but my 2010 Burpee Seed Catalog! It just warmed my heart! :-)

I thought...what a perfect time to begin planning for my summer garden. I am so looking forward to having my hands in the dirt again. It is so exciting! It is so hard to explain in words how connected I feel when I am out in my garden.

For my vegetable garden I am planning on expanding the garden. We will be adding a large raised bed in the front and the back of the garden. I want to install a better fence with a gate so I do not have to crawl over it again (it was a little tall for me). I have two couple of cute items to put as decoration that I received as gifts for my birthday last year.

Now...what to plant.....

Definitely tomatoes, green beans (I think I am going to do both bush beans and pole beans), peppers (I like big green bell peppers - but I think I am going to try a few others so I can make salsa), onions, squash (both summer and winter), beets, cabbage, and egg plant. I think I will add some sunflowers too. I am going to skip the corn - it was so disappointing last year - they came up and looked great - but never developed full ears.

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