Saturday, June 20, 2009

Under Water

Rain, Rain go away....Thanks to the last few days of storms, the back side of my vegetable garden is a little under water. I think it should drain enough by tomorrow so I can get back into it and push down the beans that I just planted (I can see some seeds that have floated up). The good news is that since we have been able to keep the rabbits out of the garden with the fence, most of the beans that have been nibbled on are coming back.

I am also very excited to see all my tomato plants now are in bloom and I have several summer squash (each around 1 - 3" long). I may be harvesting from the garden within the next couple of weeks. As I do, I will share some recipes with you.

So far, the kitty litter test is working. I've found a bunny sitting in my flower bed, but they are eating the seeds that have dropped from the bird feeder and not my plants. I told Bill, I think I should put some fresh "used" kitty litter (that always makes me laugh) back around my flowers since we have had so much rain.

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