Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Vegie Garden Update

Hi friends! I have not blogged recently on my garden and wanted to give you an update on the gardening progress. In all modesty, (haha) I must say that my garden is going like gang busters! I absolutely can not believe it.

I have tomatoes as big as my hand (I sliced one for BLTs this last Sunday - and it was like Heaven!), I should be canning very soon. The tomatoes have spilled out of their tomato cages and are hanging out of the raised bed (see pic 2).

I have a few pumpkins too (see pic 1). You may remember I collected the seeds from pumpkins I bought last year for decorations - one heirloom and one a white pumpkin. I forgot which one I planted where - so it's going to be a true surprise. I believe this one in the pic is an heirloom. I have another pumpkin growing off of the other hill, but it is under a lot of leaves and not a good photo op.

I've picked one of the cabbages to make cabbage rolls (yum! - and Bill said they passed the "Polish" test - ha!), and see the others are ready to harvest too. As you can see in pic 3, the corn is all tasseled out, and I have ears growing - not quite ready - but getting very close. And the sunflowers behind the corn are huge! I think the one on the far right is close to 12' tall! They are not in bloom, I am hoping for next week.

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