Monday, April 14, 2014

Saying Bye Bye to Procrastination

I was looking through a "stuffed" dresser I have and came across these little girl clothes.

I had bought them one Christmas a while back for my Granddaughter - but found out that I had the wrong size - I just never returned them - they had landed in the dresser.  I know there must be a little girl or two who would love all this pink and purple!!  I've put them in the garage sale box!

These items are a perfect example of some of the clutter I have just because I did not want to deal with them at the time -- procrastination is one of my down falls.

This Lenten project has shown me dealing with these items times takes a lot less time than I've spent over the years fretting about all the clutter around me.

Lent ends on Holy Thursday - only 3 days left!

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