Friday, March 28, 2014

More out-dated technology heading out the door!

I can tell spring is on it's way!  My sinuses have stated to bother me. My nose is letting me know the weather is on the change. Praise the Lord!  I was so distracted tonight by how I feel - I almost forget to post today's Letting Go!

Today I am letting go of more out-dated technology.  When I was looking through the drawers in my office the other day - I found my old tape recorder.  This recorder has fond memories of taping conferences when I was selling Home Interiors and when I changed to selling Mary Kay.  It accompanied me all over the place.  Great memories - but I do not need to keep the recorder to hold on to them.

The recorder is just part of the possessions that is holding me back - causing me to not be able to focus on what is important.  I am finding as I clean up, I am not as distracted by clutter.  Trust me, I have a long way to go - but this project is helping me to develop a discipline.  I find I look at things different when I am shopping.  I am asking more questions of my need of the object - and many times I am saying no - not really and leave the store.  When I am buying something - I find myself thinking of what I will get rid of as I bring the new item home.  I know a lot of people have a rule of something coming in, means something is going out.  I think this is a really good idea.

I am adding recorder to the Goodwill bag. Hoping to drop a load off tomorrow morning.

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